[Certification] #1. Study Guide for OCSMP MU(lv1) and MBF(lv2)

Hello everyone interested in systems engineering!

Object Management Group (OMG), the developer of SysML, offers the OMG-Certified Systems Modeling Language Professional (OCSMP) certification. This certification provides formal recognition that your SysML modeling and analysis capabilities meet industry standards, providing objective proof of your expertise.

OMG offers SysML certification exams at four levels. Each is MU (Model User), MBF (Model Builder Fundamental), MBI (Model Builder Intermediate), and MBA (Model Builder Advanced), so you can challenge yourself step by step from basic to advanced level.

This image show four levels of OCSMP.

This time, I tried the Model User (MU) certification, which is the basis of SysML, and the more advanced Model Builder Fundamental (MBF) certification. In particular, in the automotive electronics industry, MBSE (Model Based Systems Engineering) has not yet been fully established, so it was determined that there was not much need to learn advanced SysML grammar.

In fact, the goal was to obtain MBF certification, but according to OMG’s testing system, MU certification must be obtained first in order to obtain MBF certification. So, I chose the path of starting with MU and working my way up to MBF certification.

If you pass these certifications, you will receive the badge below, which is a great way to display your expertise by posting on social media such as LinkedIn.

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Now, let me share my thoughts on things you might be curious about about OCSMP.

I hope this article will be helpful to those interested in SysML certification. If you have any further information or questions, please feel free to ask in the comments!

How much and how you prepare for SysML certification may vary depending on your individual background and experience. Based on my experience, I will introduce you to the preparation process for SysML.

I work as a systems engineer in the automotive electronics industry, but I have little direct experience using SysML in real-world work. In Korea’s automotive industry, system architecture design and modeling are still unfamiliar areas, and few people fully understand SysML. My only experience is designing simple system architectures according to SysML guidelines, mainly in personal projects. This means that although you have basic knowledge, you actually lack experience.

To prepare for the OCSMP MU and MBF exams, I studied 3 hours a day for about 2 months using the following methods:

  1. A Practical Guide to SysML 2nd Edition
  2. SysML Distilled
  3. Simple SysML for Beginners: Using Sparx Enterprise Architect
  4. Guide to MBSE with SysML (Sparx Enterprise Architect Guide book, pdf)
  5. Internet resources and Chat GPT

Through this course, I scored 88 points on the MU exam and 81 points on the MBF exam. I was able to prepare sufficiently for the MU exam with 30 minutes left out of a total of 120 minutes, and for the MBF exam with 10 minutes left out of a total of 135 minutes. Although there were language challenges as I came from a non-English speaking language, thorough preparation led to a successful outcome.

Preparing for the SysML certification exam requires systematic study and repeated review. I hope my experience will help you in your SysML learning and certification journey.

For those preparing for the SysML certification exams, especially MU (Model User) and MBF (Model Builder Fundamental), I would like to share the study methods I used and recommended resources.

First, “A Practical Guide to SysML” contains extensive content covering all aspects of SysML. Since this book also includes content up to the Model Builder – Intermediate or Advanced level, it may be a bit overwhelming for MU and MBF exam preparation. Required for the MU and MBF exams in this book is the basic set of SysML specified in Chapter 5.5.1. As long as you thoroughly understand this part, I don’t think you will have any problems passing the exam. Detailed information about the exam can be found on the OMG official website.

Second, I highly recommend “SysML Distilled” for its accessibility and understandability. This book clearly and concisely explains the basic set of SysML and is a very friendly guide, especially for beginners. This book is written based on SysML v1.2, and is suitable for exam preparation because the OCSMP exam uses the same version.

Third, “Simple SysML for Beginners: Using Sparx Enterprise Architect” is a book that helps you practice SysML modeling using Sparx’s Enterprise Architect tool. Experiencing modeling using not only theory but also actual tools will help you understand. If possible, we recommend that you download and practice the trial version of Sparx’s Enterprise Architect.

Lastly, before taking the exam, it would be helpful to read the SysML basics article written on my blog to summarize the overall content.

([SysML] #1. Understanding SysML Diagrams)

The OCSMP certification exam costs a considerable $350, so it’s important to create an effective study plan and pass it the first time. I hope this article helps you prepare for the OCSMP MU and MBF certification exams. If you have any difficulties or questions, please feel free to ask questions. We cheer for your success!

[Certification] #2. Study Guide for ASEP-INCOSE Knowledge Exam

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